
Most Sensitive Rodent Kinematic Movement & Gait Analysis


The Ultimate System for Rodent Locomotor Phenotyping

MotoRater is the new standard in the field of rodent gait analysis. This innovative tracking system breaks through the limitations of traditional footprint analysis, offering a comprehensive and versatile platform for researchers investigating fine movement and posture details.

MotoRater precisely tracks designated anatomical points across five distinct movement modalities – overground walking, skilled ladder walking, wading, swimming, and beam walking. This unparalleled capacity for multimodal analysis allows more detailed understanding of motor disfunction across diverse behavioral contexts.

Our sophisticated high-speed camera system provides simultaneous full ventral, left, and right-sided capture of the animal’s locomotion. This multi-angular approach facilitates the generation of rich 3D kinematic data, enabling researchers to capture subtle deviations in posture and movement patterns that might be missed by traditional single-view techniques.

Benefits of Using MotoRater for Gait Analysis in Rodents

5 Movement Modalities

100+ Kinematic Gait Parameters

Earliest Detection with Fine Movement Analysis

3 Side-View Observation

All Relevant Body Parts Data

Highest Translational Value

Unmatched Precision with Kinematic Analysis

Hip, Knee and Ankle Angle


Hip and Iliac Crest Height

Tail Tip and Base Height


Step Width Hind and Force

Swing, Stance, Stride Times

Toe Clearance

Swing Jerk

Head Swaying

Interlimb Diagonal

5 Unique Motion Modalities with MotoRater

Overground walking, skilled ladder walking, wading in water, swimming, and beam walking. Unlike conventional methods, MotoRater enables testing animals in water, providing a rare opportunity to evaluate severely impaired rodent models unable to support their body weight on solid ground. Experience unparalleled versatility for comprehensive motion analysis.

Kinematic Gait Parameters Beyond Footprints

By meticulously tracking all designated anatomical landmarks, MotoRater empowers researchers to detect even the most subtle deviations in gait patterns. This exceptional level of detail facilitates the early identification of potential movement abnormalities, paving the way for a deeper understanding of disease progression and therapeutic interventions. Delve into a wide range of metrics, unlocking deeper insights and enhancing research outcomes with precision.

  • Stride Time: Time to complete a stride
  • Mean Speed: Mean speed during ambulatory movement
  • Stride Distance: Distance moved during a stride
  • Stance Time (Hind, Fore): Time that paw is in contact with the floor
  • Swing Time: Time that paw spends in the air
  • Mean Swing Speed: Mean speed of paw swing
  • Peak Swing Speed: Maximum speed during paw swing
  • Swing Speed Metric (hind, fore): Mean swing speed: peak swing speed ratio
  • Mean Swing Jerk (hind, fore): Rate of acceleration change of a paw during middle half of swing
  • Swing Jerk Metric (hind, fore): Mean swing jerk: peak swing speed ratio
  • Homolateral: Proportion of stride time when ipsilateral paws are both touching the ground or swinging
  • Homologous: Proportion of stride time when ipsi- and contralateral paws are both touching the ground or swinging
  • Diagonal: Proportion of stride distance in which a hindpaw and contralateral forepaw are both touching the ground or swinging
  • Left/Right Coupling (hind, fore): Time difference between consecutive left and right ground contacts during a stride
  • L/R Coupling Deviation (hind, fore): Deviation of left/right coupling between strides
  • Step Width (hind, fore): The distance between forepaws or hindpaws when both are touching the ground during stance, perpendicular to midline
  • Step Width Deviation (hind, fore): The deviation of step width between strides
  • Toe Clearance (hind, fore): Distance of the paw from the ground during swing
  • Iliac Crest Height: Height of iliac crest during mid-stance
  • Mean Hip Height: Average height of the hip during a stride
  • Hip Height Range:  Range of hip height (vertical movement) during a stride
  • Mean Hip Jerk: Rate of acceleration change of the hip during stride
  • Tail Base Height (min, mean, max): Distance of tail base from the ground
  • Tail Base Height Range: Range of distances of tail base from the ground during a stride
  • Protraction (hind): Maximum forward distance of the hindpaw with respect to the iliac crest during stride
  • Retraction (hind): Maximum reverse distance of the hindpaw with respect to iliac crest during stride
  • Nose Height:  Average distance of the nose from the ground during a stride
  • Nose Height Range: Range of distances of the nose from the ground during a stride
  • Lateral Head Rotation: Average degrees of the lateral head rotation during a stride
  • Head Rotation Deviation: Deviation of lateral head rotation between strides
  • Head Rotation Range: Range of degrees of the lateral head rotation during a stride
  • Height (min, mean, max): Distance of the tail tip from the ground during strides
  • Height Range: Range of tail tip heights during a stride
  • Tail Tip Over Hip: Percentage of stride time when the tail tip is higher than the hip
  • Ground Contact: Percentage of stride time when the tail tip touches the ground
  • Distance 2D:  Ratio of the two-dimensional tail tip trajectory length to stride length, determined from the side view
  • Distance 3D: Ratio of the three-dimensional tail tip trajectory length to stride length
  • Hip, knee and ankle angles (min, mean, max): Angle of each joint during a stride
  • Hip, knee and ankle range of motion (ROM): Difference between the maximal and minimal joint angles during a stride
  • Hip, knee and ankle ROM deviation: Deviation of joint ROM between strides
  • Paw Trajectory Shape 25%, 50% or 75% (hind, fore): Percentage of time the paw swings higher than 25%, 50% or 75% of the toe clearance
  • Toe Lift-Off Angle (fore, hind): Angle of the paw ascent during an early swing
  • Relative Trajectory Length: (Forepaw 2D trajectory path length: stride length) ratio minus 1
  • Excess Vertical Movement: (Vertical forepaw trajectory distance: double of the toe clearance) ratio minus 1
  • Backward Paw Distance: Sum of excess backward movement of the forepaw during a stride

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Gait Analysis for Diverse Disease Models

Huntington’s disease (HD) is a genetic disorder that affects the brain, causing progressive cognitive, behavioral and physical symptoms. In particular, gait and mobility problems are common in HD patients, leading to difficulty in performing daily activities. Hence, gait analysis becomes an important tool for evaluating the progression of the disease and for monitoring the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions.

Some of the key parameters to measure:

  • Stride length: This measures the distance between two successive foot contacts of the same limb.
  • Cadence: The number of steps taken in a specified time period.
  • Stance time: The duration of time the limb is in contact with the ground.
  • Swing time: The duration of time the limb is in motion.
  • Step length asymmetry: The difference in stride length between the two limbs.
  • Foot placement: The location of the foot relative to the body during gait.
  • Base of support: The area covered by the two feet in contact with the ground.
  • Pelvic tilt: The angle between the pelvis and the ground.
  • Limb asymmetry: The difference in gait parameters between the two limbs.
  • Velocity: The speed at which the rodent moves.
  • Step width: The distance between the two feet at the moment of heel strike.
  • Stride time: The time between two successive foot contacts of the same limb.
  • Limb progression angle: The angle at which the limb moves forward during gait.
  • Foot angle: The angle of the foot relative to the ground.
  • Foot rotation: The rotation of the foot during gait.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system and disrupts normal nerve signals in the brain and spinal cord. This can lead to a range of symptoms, including muscle weakness, loss of coordination, and difficulty with balance and walking.

In order to better understand the effects of MS on gait, researchers often use fine kinematic gait analysis to study the movements and patterns of rodents with the disease.

Some of the key parameters to measure:

  • Stride length: The distance covered by the animal in a single step or stride.
  • Step time: The duration of each step taken by the animal.
  • Foot placement: The position and orientation of the animal’s feet as they move and walk.
  • Balance and stability: The ability of the animal to maintain its balance and stability during movement.
  • Foot-slip ratio: The amount of slip or loss of traction experienced by the animal’s feet as they walk.

Spinal cord injury (SCI) can result in a wide range of motor and sensory impairments. Gait analysis is an important tool in evaluating the functional mobility of individuals with SCI. In rodents, gait analysis can provide valuable insights into the underlying mechanisms of SCI and the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions.

The kinematic gait analysis parameters for rodents with spinal cord injury can vary based on the severity and location of the injury. However, some common parameters that are analyzed include:

  • Stride length: This refers to the distance covered by a single step taken by the rodent.
  • Stance duration: This is the time the paw is in contact with the ground during walking.
  • Swing duration: This is the time the paw is off the ground during walking.
  • Base of support: This refers to the width of the stance phase, which is the area covered by the paw while it is in contact with the ground.
  • Foot angle: This refers to the angle of the paw with respect to the ground.
  • Paw placement: This refers to the position of the paw in relation to the body.
  • Pelvic tilt: This refers to the angle of the pelvis with respect to the ground.
  • Trunk angle: This refers to the angle of the trunk with respect to the ground.
  • Tail angle: This refers to the angle of the tail with respect to the ground.
  • Foot placement: This refers to the position of the paw relative to the midline of the body.

Arthritis, a condition characterized by joint inflammation, impacts the mobility and gait of affected individuals. To gain deeper insights into the effects of arthritis on movement patterns, researchers utilize precise measurement parameters.

  • Stance Time: Duration of contact between the paw and the ground.
  • Swing Time: Time spent in the non-weight-bearing phase of the gait cycle.


Reference: Gait analysis methods for rodent models of arthritic disorders: reviews and recommendations – ScienceDirect

Muscular Dystrophy, a genetic disorder affecting muscle function and strength, presents unique challenges in movement analysis. Researchers strive to understand the intricate effects of this condition on gait patterns through precise measurement parameters:

  • Paw Angle at Initial Contact: Angle formed by the paw at the moment of initial contact.
  • Max Paw Height: Maximum height reached by the paw during the swing phase.

Reference: Detailed genetic and functional analysis of the hDMDdel52/mdx mouse model – PMC (

Peripheral Neuropathy, a condition affecting the nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord, often results in altered movement patterns. To comprehensively understand the impact of Peripheral Neuropathy on mobility, researchers rely on precise measurement parameters:

  • Paw Clearance: Vertical distance between the paw and the ground during swing.
  • Step Width: Lateral distance between the placements of the left and right paws.

Stroke, a debilitating condition caused by disrupted blood flow to the brain, often leads to impaired mobility and gait abnormalities. To comprehensively assess the effects of stroke on movement, researchers employ precise measurement parameters like:


  • Paw Clearance: Vertical distance between the paw and the ground during swing.
  • Step Width: Lateral distance between the placements of the left and right paws.

Reference: Gait Impairment in a Rat Model of Focal Cerebral Ischemia – PMC (

Investigating gait changes associated with metabolic disorders. Unravel the complexities of movement alterations in individuals affected by obesity and diabetes. Through meticulous gait analysis, researchers delve into precise measurement parameters to understand the impact of these metabolic disorders on mobility. Explore key metrics such as:

  • Paw Pressure Distribution: Distribution of force on different areas of the paw (force plate required).
  • Gait Cycle Regularity: Consistency in the timing of the gait cycle.

Reference: High-Fat Diet-Induced Weight Gain, Behavioral Deficits, and Dopamine Changes in Young C57BL/6J Mice – PMC (

“Functional read-outs of rat or mouse locomotor behavior are central for the research on spinal cord and brain diseases and novel, future therapeutic approaches. Objective, detailed, quantifiable parameters are greatly superior to the often used subjective scores. The TSE Motorater allows to assess a number of key parameters of locomotion in an easy, objective and quantitative way. Many of the Motorater read-outs are directly comparable to clinical read-outs in patients.”

Martin E. Schwab
Professor | Institute for Regenerative Medicine (IREM), University of Zurich


Pedunculopontine Chx10+ neurons control global motor arrest in mice. Goñi-Erro, H., Selvan, R., Leiras, R., & Kiehn, O. Nature Neuroscience, 1–13. (2023).

Tranexamic acid reduces heme cytotoxicity via the TLR4/TNF axis and ameliorates functional recovery after spinal cord injury. Yoshizaki S, Kijima K, Hara M, Saito T, Tamaru T, Tanaka M, Konno D-J, Nakashima, Okada S. Journal of Neuroinflammation volume 16, Article number: 160 (2019)

Nano-formulated curcumin (Lipodisq™) modulates the local inflammatory response, reduces glial scar and preserves the white matter after spinal cord injury in rats. Krupa P, Svobodova B, Dubisova J, Kubinova S, Jendelova P, Machova Urdzikova L. Nano-formulated curcumin (LipodisqTM) Neuropharmacology. 2019; 155: 54–64.

Reactivation of Dormant Relay Pathways in Injured Spinal Cord by KCC2 Manipulations Chen B, Li Y, Yu B, Zhang Z, Brommer B, Williams PR, Liu Y, Hegarty SV, Zhou S, Zhu J, Guo H, Lu Y, Zhang Y, Gu X, He Z. Cell. 2018; 174: 521-535.

High-speed video gait analysis reveals early and characteristic locomotor phenotypes in mouse models of neurodegenerative movement disorders Preisig DF, Kulic L, Krüger M, Wirth F, McAfoose J, Späni C, Gantenbein P, Derungs R, Nitsch RM, Welt T. Behav Brain Res. 2016; 311: 340–353.

Profiling locomotor recovery: comprehensive quantification of impairments after CNS damage in rodents Zörner B, Filli L, Starkey ML, Gonzenbach R, Kasper H, Röthlisberger M, Bolliger M, Schwab ME. Nature Methods. 2010; 7 (9): 701-708.

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In 1995, Christopher Reeve, best known for playing Superman in movies, was injured in a horse-riding accident that left him paralyzed from the neck down….

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Why MotoRater is the best choice for advanced kinematic gait analysis

Rodent (rats and mice) kinematic gait analysis is a fundamental approach to exhibit genomic and neuro-de/re-generative preclinical research. Recent advancements in technologies and analytic tools…

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